• ILPTO Update: Non-Extendable IL PTE Deadlines

    ILPTO Update: Non-Extendable IL PTE Deadlines

    The ILPTO recently reconfirmed that missing the 90-day deadline for reporting the grant of a US PTE, which fulfils the ‘Two-State Requirement’, results in loss of PTE eligibility. The IL PTE system is based on the ‘Two-State Requirement’ linking eligibility of IL PTE to the grant of PTE/SPC in the US and in at least…

  • ILPTO Update: ILPTO Recognizes Strawman Oppositions

    ILPTO Update: ILPTO Recognizes Strawman Oppositions

    In a precedential decision, the ILPTO recently recognized for the first time the admissibility of strawman oppositions. Under Israeli law, any person can oppose a patent application prior to its grant. There are no limitations on the standing to oppose and the opponent does not need to establish any particular interest in the proceedings. Strawman…

  • ILTMO Update: New Instructions on ‘Cannabis Trademarks’

    ILTMO Update: New Instructions on ‘Cannabis Trademarks’

    In a recent decision, the ILTMO held that ‘cannabis trademarks’ and trademarks containing derivatives of the word cannabis must be limited to cannabis-related goods and that the use of cannabis trademarks in connection with non-cannabis products may render them deceptive and subject to revocation. Applicant filed a trademark application for the mark CANNASMETICS in classes…

  • ILPTO Update: The Deadline for Filing Divisional Applications Cannot Be Extended

    ILPTO Update: The Deadline for Filing Divisional Applications Cannot Be Extended

    The ILPTO clarified in a recent decision that divisional applications can be filed only until the allowance of the parent and that this deadline cannot be extended nor circumvented by seeking cancellation of the allowance of the parent application. Under IL law, divisional applications can be filed only until the allowance of the parent application.…

  • IL TM Update: Important Decision on Non-Use and Recordal of Trademark Licenses

    IL TM Update: Important Decision on Non-Use and Recordal of Trademark Licenses

    In a recent important decision, the ILTMO held that revocation of a trademark registration on grounds of non-use is discretionary and that registrations of well-known trademarks will not be revoked even if the use requirements were not satisfied. The ILTMO also significantly mitigated the adverse non-use consequences in case of failure to record trademark licenses.…

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